Saturday, July 4, 2009

Sister Sarah Saga, The Morning After

The difference between the moderately sane conservative pundit and the batshit crazy wingnut has been thrown into sharp relief over the last 24 hours or so. The sane ones, like Ed Morrissey and the Hot Air crew, Rick Moran, Stephen Green, all have like myself come to the conclusion that Palin's career is over.

But it's the folks that seem to believe that this will somehow help Sarah Palin that are the true nutbars, with Bill Kristol and A.J. Strata leading the pack, and Pamela Geller actually blaming Obama for this (yay Obama Derangement Syndrome!)

Over at the Daily Beast, Max Blumenthal goes over the scandal-plagued Palin's career and like myself, wonders what the hell the real reason she resigned was.

If there's no other shoe to drop, if she's just giving up and laying low, she's still done, folks.

You don't come back from something like this. And whoever decided she would have made a good vice-president, from the people who selected her, the people who promoted her, and the people who assured us she had the most experience in the race...the credibility of those people should also be nil at this point.

We dodged a bullet. 46 percent of American voters thought this woman should have been one heartbeat away from the Presidency. Those are the people who right now should be truly pissed off this July 4th.

1 comment:

  1. Well, one heard at Firedoglake that words have been going around about Palin.

    Worlds like "criminal indictment".

    So, Kitty is thinking to stick a fork in her.
