Friday, July 3, 2009

Last Call

Sarah Palin's done, folks.

The more I've thought about this, the more I have to say she will not recover from this. There's no way she can run for any higher political office without this resignation killing her politically. She simply walked away from the Governor's office, her responsibilities, her constituents, and her pledge to serve for four years. She's done.

And it's the fashion in which she did it that is really forever going to haunt her. Reading the text of her roughly fifteen minute presser, my first thought was that it was the equivalent a of drunken internet forum posting. As I was watching the video I swore there were several points at she was fighting back an emotional breakdown.

And her explanation, an incoherent train wreck of tangentially-related basketball analogies, aww-shucks Northern Exposure small-town wisdom, shout-outs to her stone-faced family, "librul media" persecution complex-ranting, channeling Nixon singing Frank Sinatra's "My Way" and just plain non sequitur nonsense, raised orders of magnitude more questions than she answered.

She's either narcissitic to the point of mental instability, or she's under the strain from such a terrible scandal that's about to break that she's gone around the bend.

But either way, she's finished after today. Done. Toast. Over. She didn't just burn her bridges behind her, she napalmed them, then called in artillery strikes on anything bridge-related within a 100 mile radius.

I have a strong feeling that "pulling a Sarah Palin" will soon enter our lexicon to describe a political failure of epic proportions.

We'll see what this weekend brings. Happy 4th.
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