Monday, October 26, 2009

In Which Zandar Answers Your Burning Questions

Larry Kudlow asks (and yes, that Larry Kudlow, the knucklehead fron CNBC):
Here’s a question: If unemployment is the problem, then why aren’t supply-side tax cuts, along with tougher government budgetary restraints, a possible solution?
Cause it's real simple, Larry. Real, actual businesses (unlike CNBC) are in the profit business, not in the hiring people business. Supply-side tax cuts aren't going to do a damn thing for the consumers who buy products and services that businesses supply. If you think these businesses are going to take those supply-side tax cuts and hire more people with them instead of giving the money to shareholders and corporate officers, then you haven't been paying attention to the way the universe works.

At the same time reducing spending only further cuts back on the demand for products, and it's taking money out of the economy too.

How does taking money out of the economy reduce unemployment, exactly? And let's not forget the combination of tax cuts and spending cuts doesn't exactly solve any deficit problems, either.

Geez man, a first year econ student can figure this out.


  1. Come on, Zandar, you can't expect a cokehead like Kudlow to make heads or tails of facts like that.

  2. more zombie bullsh*t that just will not die ( or be killed ).

    it just never forking ends. never.

  3. Jesus fucking christ. We've had "Supply-Side Economics 1" and "Supply-Side Economics 2: The Wealthening".

    You'd think that these fuckers wouldn't lea-

    ... you know what? Never mind.
