Monday, October 26, 2009

The Miseducation Of Harry Reid

Could it possibly be? Could Harry Reid have actually found his spine and showed leadership?
At a presser in the Capitol just now, Harry Reid offered a striking revelation that sharply contradicts much of the conventional wisdom we’ve heard:

He said that the White House supports the public option with the opt out — despite all the reporting we’ve heard to the effect that the White House supposedly prefers the trigger.

Reid said clearly he’s moving forward with a Senate bill with the opt out in it, “with the support of the White House, and Senators Dodd and Baucus.”

Oh really. So, the opt-out is the way forward then?

Make it so. Dare the Tenther GOP governors to say "No thanks, we like uninsured people to remain uninsured."

Let's do this thing. Finally, a Harry Reid post that doesn't have the Democrat Stupidity tag on it. What a delightful change of pace. More from TPM:

Reid said he was "disappointed" the public option had "frightened" Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME) but that he hoped she would "come back."

"I spoke to Olympia on Friday...and at this stage she does not like the public option of any kind. And so, we'll have to move forward on this, and there will come a time I hope, where she sees the wisdom of supporting a health care bill," he said.

He also blasted Republicans, saying he can count the moderates in the GOP on "two fingers."

And he told the Snowe Queen to suck a big one. Score!

[UPDATE 3:55 PM] But wait! The GOP wants a bi-partisan bill now! You know, as long at it's completely on the GOP's terms with no public option and sticking all the people with high-risk existing conditions in a pool by themselves assuring that they'd pay more and having the insurance companies call the shots and...

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry, Repubs. We did the bipartisan shit like... SIX FUCKING MONTHS AGO. You didn't want it then, so why the hell would you want it now?
