Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Larger Picture

BooMan takes the progressive critics of Obama to task after yesterday's John Harwood-fueled meltdown.
The truth of the matter is, right or wrong, the progressive blogosphere has been a more severe and on point critic of the Obama administration than any teabagger. And, in many ways, that is to the community's credit. We don't embrace the cheerleader's role and that gives us more credibility. When the president screws up, we're willing to call him on it. But, Jesus Christ, do you expect the administration to lie down and say, 'Thank you, sir, may I have another'?

If you berate them for not closing Guantanamo fast enough, not ending Don't Ask, Don't Tell fast enough, not evacuating Iraq fast enough, not passing a health care bill fast enough, and so on...do you not expect one their number to at some point push back and point out that making these kind of changes takes time and is a bit difficult?

And, where the hell do you get off taking it personally? Aren't you the ones accusing them of being whores to the insurance industry and Wall Street and the military-industrial complex? Do you think they are going to find that criticism generous and well-intended?

Criticism is fine. But the sense of entitlement involved here is staggering. Ooh, some big, bad White House adviser defended the administration against one more heated attack. My feelings are hurt. Guess what? You should get over it.

I think the White House is willing to listen to criticism from their allies. From you? Not so much.

I agree. Warranted criticism of Obama is necessary and I've done more than my fair share myself. But I'll also be the first to tell you that a Republican administration would be worse in every conceivable metric or criteria. Holding Obama's feet to the fire is one thing. Deciding that the teabaggers are right and Obama really is an empty suit who has done nothing for America is not only ridiculous, but wrong as well. And no, why do you expect the White House to not stand up for itself against the left just as the left has stood up to Obama? That's how democracy is supposed to work.

1 comment:

  1. "Deciding that the teabaggers are right and Obama really is an empty suit who has done nothing for America is not only ridiculous, but wrong as well."

    The teabaggers are a joke but the "empty suit" part is pretty much damned right. All Obama's done is keep the maniacs out of the White House which, while a nice achievement, was Mission Accomplished as of Election Day, 2008. Since then he's effectively been what we used to call a Republican back before the days of Reagan.
