Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Quote Of The Week

John Cole on this Village Idiocy:
The endgame of this is so obvious. This isn’t about sexism. This isn’t about Barack Obama. This is another beltway game where the press sees how much they can make the administration jump. Are they really proposing that Janet Napolitano come out and do some half court with Obama, the UNC guys, and secret service agents? Do they want Lisa Leslie on retainer?
We're right back around to the African-American man/Caucasian woman dynamic, and everyone has their own set of preconceptions on that relationship, what the rules are, and what the rules should be. Happened during the primary and the general election, and now we're seeing it again here in the White House press corps.

Been a problem in this country for, oh, couple of centuries now.

1 comment:

  1. This a comment from a JJP poster
    "I agree with everything he said except the first sentence. This isnt' asinine... asinine left the station a long time ago..we way beyond asinine now."
    And that sums it up.
