Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Thirty Pieces Of Silver

Joe F'ckin Lieberman on FOX News today:
If the public option, the government run health insurance company negotiates hard to lower the reimbursement — the money it’s paying to hospitals, doctors — they’re [providers] going to have to get that money somewhere. And where they’re going to get it is from the 200 million Americans who today have private health insurance. Premiums will go up. It’s exactly what’s happened with Medicare and Medicaid. [...]

When people hear public option, I think they think it’s for free. It’s not for free. Somebody is going to have to pay for it and you can bet it’s going to be the taxpayers and the people who pay health insurance premiums now.

Hey Dems? When your Homeland Security chairman is on FOX repeating the GOP's talking point lies, you have a party discipline problem.

Joe F'ckin Lieberman has no intention of allowing Obamacare to pass without getting his thirty pieces of silver. That's how democracy works, you see.

[UPDATE 3:15 PM] CNBC's Julie Roginsky takes Lieberman to task on his lack of logic. Methinks she's not going to last long over there.

[UPDATE 3:58 PM] What Digby said, as she reminds us that Obama said "Gosh, we have to keep Joe F'ckin Lieberman, he'll be grateful to us."

How's that working out for ya, 11-dimensional chess grand master guy?

1 comment:

  1. The only thing this dipshit deserves is to be tossed out on his head.

    Seriously, why the fuck hasn't anyone kicked this stupid fucker out on his ass?
