Monday, November 2, 2009

Harry Reid Loses Glasses, Discovers Cape And S On Chest

It's really too bad that Harry Reid spends 95% of the time as Clark Kent, but the other 5%, he calls out some Republicans:

While the two health care reform plans that are serving as the main building blocks for the merged bill have been publicly available for quite some time, I would note that the Republican leadership’s health care plan remains a secret, unless perhaps it does not exist.

Needless to say, I fully understand if your plan is still under development, and would not presume to suggest that you publicly share draft legislative text for even an individual element of your plan, let alone an entire bill, before it is finalized.

However, as soon as a comprehensive Republican alternative is complete, I hope you will be willing to immediately make it public. I am sure you agree that the American people deserve the opportunity to fully review both parties’ health care reform plans before we begin this important debate.

Nice, man. Now where the hell were you six months ago?

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if he is waiting til after Tuesday, but if Obama sees Joe and the conservadems as a legitimate threat to health care he needs to start getting more public of his criticism of their obstructions (and I certainly see them as a threat). I'm guessing they are shooting for christmas to get a bill passed, and we all know that the longer this drags on the worse the chances look. The only thing comforting is that he has not been pushing back hard against the hemming and hawing after Reid's announcement. We'll see though.
