Monday, November 2, 2009

Last Call

Someone needs to tell Rep. Joe "You Lie!" Wilson that you don't get to blame Obama for not responding to the H1N1 outbreak quickly enough when Wilson and 95% of House Republicans voted against vaccine funding.
Last week, some Democrats predicted that H1N1 could become a line of new line attack of attack on Obama from Republicans. In a release issued on Thursday, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee claimed that any criticism of H1N1 policy by the GOP would amount to hypocrisy.

The DCCC pointed to a June vote on a supplementary appropriations bill as evidence. Wilson joined 95% of Republicans and voted against the bill, which contained special funding to combat H1N1 both domestically and internationally. But the bill also contained other much more money for other plans and programs Republicans at the time viewed as wasteful, including the Cash-For-Clunkers car purchase incentive program.

Still, the DCCC says that a vote against the bill essentially equaled a vote against combating H1N1 and means Republicans who voted against it like Wilson favored a public health program that would have resulted in even less vaccine than is available now.

"The families, schools, and businesses fighting against the H1N1 flu pandemic deserve better than House Republicans' reckless, knee jerk partisanship and just-say-no approach to helping prepare for this national emergency," DCCC spokesperson Ryan Rudominer said in a statement released Oct. 27.

Republicans like Wilson attacked the President and said that H1N1 vaccine funding was wasteful pork and voted against it. Now they are attacking the President for not having enough vaccine. It doesn't matter what Obama does. They will attack him without logic or reason.

That's why it's called Obama Derangement Syndrome. Perhaps not slashing the CDC's budget under Bush would have been a start.

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