Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Group Not Think

So a man lobbed a tomato or two at Sarah Palin up at her Mall of America book signing in the Twin Cities yesterday.  He missed Palin.  He did however, hit a Bloomington cop standing next to her.  Judging from the Winger blog reaction, there's a couple things they all agree on:
  1. The guy had to be a crazy liberal.  No real American would ever disagree with Moose Lady.  Ever.
  2. Only a crazy liberal would miss.  Conservatives never miss targets and cause collateral damage by hitting the wrong people, even in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.
  3. The cop had every right to blow a smoking hole in the guy's chest, and all civilians are subject to getting their asses kicked at any time by cops, even kids.
  4. This proves Obama Derangement Syndrome is a myth, but Sarah Palin Derangement Syndrome affects tens of millions.
To review, liberals can't hit people with weapons, but should be shot because they are terribly dangerous. Only liberals are capable of insane over-reactions to political figures, but anyone who disagrees with that is a crazy evil liberal who's trying to take over the world and should be dealt with through any and all means, up to and including lethal force.

Keep in mind that a good 30 percent or so of America feels this way, and it's growing.

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