Tuesday, December 8, 2009

In Which Zandar Answers Your Burning Questions

Digby asks:
Can someone explain to me why these people hate this climate science so much? I mean, I get that they don't like gays and think women should stay barefoot and pregnant. I understand that they hate taxes that pay for things that help people they don't like. Evolution -- yeah, that's obvious.

But global warming? Why? Is it all about their trucks or what? I just don't get where the passion comes from on this one.
It's not climate science they hate.  It's science period.  Science is what evil liberals use to keep Real Americans down, you see.  Only ignorance can set you free.

Dumb down the population:  Science is bad, so why believe in it?  Public schools are bad, so home school your kids and teach them about creationism. Universities crawling with "liberal thought" are bad, so go to conservative Christian schools. Critical thinking is bad, so faithfully toe the party line.  Smart, educated people are bad because they'll only manipulate you, so listen to the talk-radio screamers instead and be a "real American".

What's left is a population told they are bravely resisting being sheep by becoming lemmings instead.

[UPDATE 3:52 PM] Amanda Marcotte answers Digby's question with an arguably even more valid answer than mine...science denial simply pisses off liberals, and that's all that matters to Wingers.

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