Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Real Deal Appeal Of Repeal, Part 2

Republicans are always looking for anything they can do to regain power from the Dems, and the latest plan is from House GOP nutbar Luoie Gohmert, who wants to repeal not just health care, but the 17th Amendment as well.  You know, the one that allows direct election of Senators?  Dave Weigel:
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) — a judge in his prior career — comes out for repealing the 17th Amendment, to “restore the balance” between the federal government and the states by giving the right to appoint senators back to state legislatures.
Ever since the safeguard of State legislatures electing U.S. Senators was removed by the 17th Amendment in 1913, there has been no check or balance on the Federal power grab for the last 97 years. Article V requires a minimum of 34 states to request a Convention which in this case, would be an Amendment Convention for only ONE amendment.
For what it’s worth, Democrats currently control 27 state legislatures, so this would be a pretty bad deal for them at present, sending them back to 54 senators. Media Matters Action has video and points out how this conflicts with the “Massachusetts elected Scott Brown, thus health care reform should die” argument of a week ago.
Yeah, this whole "letting the people vote" and "having Senators in two different parties" thing is not working out, it allows Democrats to control things.   Can't have the people deciding representation.  Nope, time to edit the Constitution to favor one political party just because it's out of power.

Yes, Republicans think you are this stupid.  I can't wait to hear the arguments that direct elections of Senators is not the will of the people.

1 comment:

In Ur Blog Eatin Waffles (Accept no fail imitations) said...

Why repeal the 17th amendment? That's dumb. States pushed forever to get that in place, there's no way in hell it's going away.

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