Wednesday, March 24, 2010

You DO Know, Jack

With all the attention on the nation's various state Attorneys General and Obamacare, it's important to note that all the ones suing are Republicans, and many of them have notions of higher office.  Kentucky's AG also seeks higher office, in this case Jim Bunning's Senate seat.  But Kentucky AG Jack Conway is different in two respects:  one, he's a red state Democrat, and two, he's firmly on the side of not wasting Kentucky taxpayer money on a frivolous lawsuit.
KY AG Jack Conway (D) is wading into the health care debate, announcing Tuesday he will not file a lawsuit against the federal government in trying to refuse the legislation.

"I do not intend to use my authority as Kentucky Attorney General to sign our Commonwealth onto a health care lawsuit against the federal government, because I will not waste taxpayer dollars on a political stunt," Conway said in a statement provided to Hotline OnCall.

Earlier today, Sec/State Trey Grayson blasted Dems in Congress for passing health care, "despite overwhelming and bipartisan opposition."

Grayson continued, "Fortunately, there is still an opportunity to prevent this intrusion into our lives as more than a dozen states have declared their intent to challenge this law in court. Today I call on Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway to join in this effort and file suit against the federal government for the unconstitutional overreach of its authority with the passage of this health care legislation."

"Trey Grayson's gimmick may be good 'tea party' politics, but it's based on questionable legal principles," Conway said.
My observation is for Conway to win, he's going to have to run as a true progressive.  Health care gives him the wedge issue he needs to catch up to Lt. Dan in the polls.  It's an observation shared by my KY blogger collegues, that Conway trying to out-DINO Mongiardo will only end up being a disaster.

Conway, to his credit, sees an opening here to run to Lt. Dan's left.
Mongiardo has said he would have voted against the Senate bill but for the House bill that passed in November. He also is well-informed on the issue as a doctor, and he says frequently that if elected, he'd be the only Dem doctor in the Senate.

Conway needled him today: "I find it ironic that Daniel Mongiardo -- who would have voted against health care reform and believes we should 'stop and start over' -- would choose to align himself with Trey Grayson, Rand Paul and the right-wing extremists who are following Mitch McConnell's lead in opposing progress on health care. This is an historic moment, and as a Democrat, I am proud to stand up to those who prey on voters' fears, rather than appeal to their hopes."
More of this, Jack.  I mean, you're still doing it wrong to the point of EPIC FAIL but at least you have an issue now.  It came, oh, SIX MONTHS TOO LATE, but hey.

1 comment:

In Ur Blog Eatin Waffles (Accept no fail imitations) said...

You don't know jack, but that was a given.

"it's important to note that all the ones suing are Republicans, and many of them have notions of higher office."


From AOL News
"So far South Carolina, Nebraska, Texas, Michigan, Utah, Pennsylvania, Alabama, South Dakota, Idaho, Washington, Colorado and Louisiana have agreed.

Louisiana Attorney General: Buddy Caldwell

Read the first line from his Wikipedia article...

Hell I'll just post it

"James David Caldwell, Jr., or Buddy Caldwell (born May 20, 1946), is the Democratic attorney general of the U.S. state of Louisiana."

Also, all these 38 states that are discussing legislation against Obamacare, they are all looking to fluff their resumes too right?

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