Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Meet Tim Crawford, Teabagger Democrat

Yeah, you heard that right folks.  The only person the Democrats could find to go up against Rep. Dan Burton of Indiana is a Democrat running so far to Burton's right that he makes Burton look sane.  Dave Weigel:
Burton's Democratic opponent, Tim Crawford, is a 29-year-old first-time candidate who, not to put too fine a point on it, hates the Democratic Party. His campaign site is thin on the issues, making clear only that he opposes Democrats' stances. We get more clarity from Facebook:
Picture 38.png
Picture 37.png
Picture 36.png
There's very little attention being paid to primaries in competitive House districts Tuesday, but we should be on the lookout for candidates who sneak through their primaries despite being totally disconnected from their party's base -- a pretty clear sign of voter fatigue in that party.
Now I'll give Crawford credit for putting his money where his mouth is, he's not taking any campaign donations and is setting out to remake the Dems one House seat at a time.  Unfortunately he's trying to remake the Dems into the Teapublicans, and while I will refuse to dismiss him totally because Burton has been in office for 28 years now and no incumbent is safe in 2010, Crawford seems like he's probably not going to win, and if he does win, he might actually be a less reliable vote for Pelosi than Burton would be as a 28-year Republican.

Just goes to remind you not all the Teabaggers are Republicans, folks.

1 comment:

  1. Teabagger..

    Does that make you the teabag-e?

    Anyway, it's nice to see someone in the Dem party realize that what the Dems are doing is wrong. You're elected officials spitting in the face of those who elected you.

    Don't forget HCR.
