Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New Faces, New Problems

BooMan notes we'll see at least a dozen new faces next January in the Senate, and likely 15 or more.  That's the good news, the most dysfunctional Senate in ages is getting new blood.

The bad news is the new blood is almost certainly going to be far more dysfunctional.  Rand Paul and friends aren't exactly going to be looking for bipartisan solutions.  As a matter of fact, I'm very sure we're going to see a half-dozen GOP Senate freshmen who have one goal in mind:  to make sure no legislation at all passes between now and 2012 (2016 should Obama win a second term.)

And yes, this means repeated shutdowns of the federal government, nominations hung in limbo for months if not years, secret holds on everything, no unanimous consent, and utter chaos unless the Senate Dems are willing to change the rules of the next Senate in January.  They're going to have to ditch a lot of stuff in order to have any shot at getting anything done in the next two years and the GOP will howl.

But make no mistake, folks.  The Teabaggers are coming to "fix" Washington.  They're coming to dismantle it.

1 comment:

  1. Really? So the Dems throwing their weight around by passing bills without GOP or the American people's support is fine?

    I think if the GOP wins control that's exactly what they should do. Force Obama to come to a real bipartisan decision and not just talk about it. What's the saying? Actions speak louder than words...
