Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Alan Grayson's Punch-Out!!

The Republicans seem to have a bit of a problem getting Florida Dem Rep. Alan Grayson to pull a Vilsack and fold like a lawn chair.

They may not have a health plan. Or a jobs plan. Or a peace plan. But they do have a plan.

Here is the Republican plan:

"I'll give $100 to first Rep. who punches smary [sic] idiot Alan Grayson in nose."

That incitement to violence was tweeted by Dan Gainor. Who is Dan Gainor? The Vice President of the Media Research Center (MRC). MRC is a right-wing Washington slur tank that glorifies Big Business in its "Business and Media Institute." It is a $6 million lie factory, blessed by Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter.

And in case you missed the point, Gainor later tweeted, "I'd love to see the video."

Why is the D.C. Republican Establishment so angry at me? Because I stood up on the Floor of the House, and demanded that the Republicans release unemployment insurance. I demanded that the Republicans stop pushing people out of their homes to live in their cars, and that they stop taking food out of the mouths of children.
So...we're going to pay people to punch Alan Grayson and get a video of it.  That's how Republican Beltway types deal with Democrats with actual spines.  Grayson's response is not to apologize but to call this asshole out because...he has an actual spine.  Dems, please pay attention to Alan Grayson's spine.  He has one.  Please locate yours.

I like Alan Grayson.  I like Alan Grayson so much he's earned his own tag.  Alan Grayson Has An Actual Spine.


  1. @Waffles:

    Hmpf. Cocky loudmouth, certainly. Nutjob is a bit strong. We libtards love him because he's the sort of congressional firebrand the wingnuts have in droves, but we hardly ever get anymore.

    I've got FL-8 in my election pool, and I sent a few bucks to his campaign. Go, Alan! Smite them all with your MIGHTY SPINE!
