Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Steele This Book

That loud whistling sound you're hearing is the executioner's axe speeding towards Michael Steele's career, and it's being wielded by the wingnuts.
The Washington Times reports today, however, on a new matter that has nothing to do with Steele's notorious gaffes, and more to do with his notorious mismanagement.
The Republican National Committee failed to report more than $7 million in debt to the Federal Election Commission in recent months -- a move that made its bottom line appear healthier than it is heading into the midterm elections and that also raises the prospect of a hefty fine.
In a memo to RNC budget committee members, RNC Treasurer Randy Pullen on Tuesday accused Chairman Michael S. Steele and his chief of staff, Michael Leavitt, of trying to conceal the information from him by ordering staff not to communicate with the treasurer -- a charge RNC officials deny.
Mr. Pullen told the members that he had discovered $3.3 million in debt from April and $3.8 million from May, which he said had led him to file erroneous reports with the FEC. He amended the FEC filings Tuesday.
When it comes to consequences, the financial problem could cause all kinds of trouble for Republicans. Deliberately filing deceptive FEC reports is criminal, and could lead to stiff penalties -- if not formal charges -- before the elections.
And while the Republican National Committee is already downplaying the significance of this, there's reason to believe the party is aware of the seriousness of the situation.
I know I've said this several times before and every time Michael Steele fails upward and gains even more power over at the RNC, but $7 million in campaign debt not being reported is one of those Things You Can Go To Prison For, and this time I think Steele has to be done.

Finally, this isn't the "Liberul Media" or the Democrats throwing these accusations around, but the Washington Times and the Wingers.  They're the ones calling for his resignation.

This may very well be it for him.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, but once again, Steele's token status will be his rescue. Now that the whole Breitbart thing has blown up, the GOP cannot afford to fire its only highly visible African-American member -- yet.

    After November, he won't survive a week, no matter the outcome.
