Monday, June 13, 2011

By Grabthar's Hammer, What A Douchebag

A mentally challenged man who has the capacity of a toddler was forced to give up his plastic hammer because it could be used as a weapon, according to TSA agents.  The ball was okay, apparently.  The poor man was given commands that he didn't understand, and was treated badly in many regards (including calling out adult diapers in the presence of a small crowd).

The good news?  This is going to lead to a re-training of over 800 agents, because of this one case.  The family wrote in, because the man had carried this hammer for some 20 years, and because they could not miss their flight and had been detained for so long, they had to throw it away.  Imagine how devastating that must have been.  I have a few trinkets I carry, from stuff the kids have made to tiny things I inherited when my folks died.  Good luck trying to get me to give up one of those.  Drew Mandy didn't even have a choice.

Here's hoping those changes are profound and immediate.  There is no excuse for this.

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