Monday, June 13, 2011

Mitt Makes Some Friends

Mistermix at Balloon Juice has a very good point:  Wall Street is practically salivating over the prospect of a CEO POTUS in Mitt Romney, especially since his claim to fame will be the same job-destroying, profit uber alles mentality that the corporate boardrooms have been pushing for a generation.  I pointed out Romney's abysmal jobs record last week as both CEO of Bain Capital and as Governor of Massachusetts.

Steve Benen comes to the same conclusion:

And this is the part of Romney’s record he’s most proud of. Romney slashed American jobs as if his career depended on it — and it did.

Complicating matters, during Romney’s only service in public office, his state’s record on job creation was “one of the worst in the country.” Adding insult to injury, “By the end of his four years in office, Massachusetts had squeezed out a net gain in payroll jobs of just 1 percent, compared with job growth of 5.3 percent for the nation as a whole.”

How bad is Romney’s record? During his tenure, Massachusetts ranked 47th out of 50 states in jobs growth.

Yes, Romney has a simple message: “I’m a successful businessman, I’ll create jobs and fix the economy.” It also comes with an equally simple response: “Mitt Romney is the anti-jobs candidate.”

Romney created jobs...just not in the United States.

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