Monday, August 15, 2011

Bachmann Goes All Judge Mental

Michele Bachmann insisted on Meet The Press on Sunday that she "doesn't judge gays."  To his credit, Fluffy called her out with a clip, then she ignored it and pressed on anyway.

It's no secret Bachmann isn't the biggest fan of gays. But when Gregory played a clip of Bachmann saying homosexuality leads to "personal enslavement" and "bondage," she responded simply by saying "I am running for the presidency of the United States."

"I am not running to be anyone's judge," she added.

"But you have judged them," Gregory pressed.

"I don't judge them," Bachmann responded. "I don't judge them. I am running for the presidency of the United States."

Bachmann echoed her position that marriage should be between a man and a woman. But she said she "ascribes honor and dignity to every person, no matter their background." 

I guess she figures people "enslaved" by homosexuality have a...quiet...sort of dignity.  You know, like Rosa Parks did on the bus.  Best part?

"All these kinds of questions really aren't about what people are concerned about right now," Bachmann said. "I think my views are clear."

To recap, when Michele Bachmann says something bigoted, it's fine.  When someone calls her out on national TV about it, it's not what people are "concerned about right now" so it doesn't matter, see how this works?

Oh, and Michele Bachmann believes the LGBT community has such a quiet dignity that as President she would reinstate DADT because it "has worked very well".  Gee, sounds like she's passing collective judgment on people to me.

But you should be the judge of that.

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