Monday, August 15, 2011

Road Warrior Obama

The President will hit the road this week on a bus tour through the Midwest and the focus is jobs, jobs, jobs.

President Barack Obama hits the road on Monday for a Midwestern bus tour that he hopes will leave doubts over his leadership behind in Washington.

But the three-day trip through Iowa, Minnesota and Illinois -- three states seen as vital to his 2012 re-election campaign -- could put him in front of voters who, polls show, are furious about political gridlock in the U.S. capital.

Iowa, which launched Obama's historic journey to the White House in 2008, has recently been playing host to Republican presidential hopefuls who have aggressively slammed his record as they criss-cross the state.

The White House says the president is on listening tour to hear from Americans about the economy and to talk about how to boost jobs and hiring. There are no plans for a major policy speech to roll out new initiatives for growth.

What I'm hoping to hear from people in the Midwest is simple:  Hey Mr. President, we need you to fight for jobs, without them nothing else matters.  It's a good idea and good timing.  Let's have the focus of the tour not be on the President, but on the people.

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