Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Dark Moose Candidate

The Rumpies flag down Joe "OBAMATRONS IN MY WATER" Farah's suggestion that Sarah Palin should primary Obama.  (Please wipe off your screen now from the spit take.) YAFB:

Farah’s logic is unassailable. Palin’s “career” is going nowhere. The Repub establishment mistrusts if not hates her, and the Tea Party, now considerably off the boil, has no shortage of batshit insane candidates willing to say any old crap to pander to the basest of the base.

Chortling at his own ingenuity, Farah's goes on to cite Limbaugh’s “Operation Chaos.” Because that was so successful. And because Hillary Clinton is obviously still totally indistinguishable in terms of accomplishments, intellect, and electability from quitty ex-governor and soundly defeated hasbeen veep candidate Sarah Palin in the minds of the wingnutariat.

The masterplan is already being greeted with some enthusiasm over at FreeRepublic. I have yet to check whether it’s found its way to Conservatives4Palin yet, but it can only be a matter of time.

But see, nobody can appreciate the brilliance of his idea because Sarah Palin's 15% for to 75% against approval numbers among Democrats is really just an outlier and doesn't represent how happy Democrats would be to have her, right?

So mega-stupid it's tautology.  God, the cult around Sarah Palin is creepy.

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