Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Sour Note

Normally, I don't get my knickers in a twist over celebrity behavior. It's our fault that they are outrageous, we demand it.  To remain relevant, they must top the headlines or be forgotten.

However, I am disappointed in the coverage for Journey guitarist Neal Schon and "celebrity" Michaele Salahi.  She is a wannabe, and both have left their spouses without answer, apology or acknowledgement.  Schon's wife learned from TMZ what happened.  Foreigner made headlines when he said he was "impressed" with the publicity Schon brought thanks to this media hype. 

Is it real?  Is it crap?  Either way, it's disgusting.  So where is the Republican flood on this?  Don't they want to do something to protect the meaning of marriage?  Where the hell are the bible thumpers and the holier-than-thous?  Is it worse for two gay people who honor each other to marry than a bimbo and a has-been wrecking lives?  If you want to talk about setting examples and doing the right thing, start here.  There's a lot of mess to clean up.

Also, on a sad note, Salahi's dog passed away.  Rumor has it he was so depressed he wouldn't leave the bed after her disappearance, and already had heart problems.  Just had to throw that in because one good bitch deserves another.

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