Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Last Call

So the Iowa Republican Party officially joins the ranks of the birthers, and that's actually not the craziest thing in the state party platform.

We insist that a candidate prove that he or she meets all requirements for that office prior to being placed in nomination, including proof of United States citizenship.

Sure we do.  Just the black Presidents, of course.  Like I said, that's not the crazy stuff.  This is.

 We call for a full investigation of the organization formerly known as ACORN and its allied organizations, call for full prosecution of those involved in any illegalities discovered, and call for elimination of government funding of such organizations.

ACORN's been gone for over a year.   No worries, this will be a plank in every GOP state platform from now until the end of time.

We demand that the term “sustainable development” be defined, vetted, and controlled by county and state agricultural agencies whose private property it impacts rather than the UN, other international or Agenda 21 agencies, or any federal organization.

Yes, the Iowa GOP believes the UN is coming for your guns and virgin daughters.   And as insane as that is, here's the real red flag:

We support constitutional state sovereignty including nullification of federal oversteps.
We disagree with Roe vs. Wade and Doe vs. Bolton as “settled law.” Under the Tenth amendment, these Supreme Court decisions have no authority over the states.

This is a state challenging the authority of the Supreme Court itself and saying that Iowa has the right to ignore any SCOTUS decision that the state GOP disagrees with.  This is a major party putting that in their platform at the state level.  This is not fringe, folks.  This is real.

It's also pretty damn disturbing.  Think about that for a while.  Republicans?  These guys are insane.

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