Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Listen All Y'all It's Self-Sabotage

The Associated Press finally gets around to asking the question if the GOP is tanking the economy on purpose in order to win in November with Orange Julius vowing another debt ceiling fight he plans to "win", and that the uncertainty that Republicans are not barking mad enough to scuttle the whole deal in a scorched earth campaign is actually starting to hurt job growth.  The perennial "Republicans, Stupid, Evil or Both?" argument aside in this case, the real comedy value comes from Power Line's response that the Democrats are the ones sabotaging the economy.  To whit:
In order to either help or hurt the economy, Republicans would have to 1) enact policies that would do one or the other, or 2) block the Democrats from enacting policies that would do one or the other. The Republicans haven’t enacted anything since the Democrats took control of Congress in January 2007, so the theory has to be that the GOP has blocked something that otherwise would have helped. In fact, however, the Democrats have been able to enact the major components of their economic plan, including the stimulus–perhaps the most dismal failure of any legislative initiative in American history–and Obamacare. Democrats have caused discretionary spending to skyrocket and have run up $5 trillion in new debt since President Obama took office. So they have pretty much had their way.
Yes, the inestimable Assrocket figures the not fully implemented Affordable Care Act and the stimulus are proof enough that not only the GOP gets a full a complete pass on obstruction of the President's jobs bill, the Paycheck Fairness Act, and a bunch of other things, but that the Democrats are really guilty of the following:
It would be much more sensible for the AP to suggest that the Democrats are deliberately injuring the economy by increasing spending and running up more debt (not to mention deliberately driving the cost of energy higher).
Yes, so the Democrats' secret plan is as follows:
1) Sabotage the economy.
2) ?????
3) Lose in November!
That of course has to be the only possible explanation, self-sabotage in order to put the country in the hands of the GOP.  Assrocket's a deep thinker, indeed.  In fact, the entire Republican message this weekend is all about how President Obama is sabotaging himself with failed Republican attacks from 2007 in order to...lose in November...or something, I don't know.  Republicans are like infinite monkeys with typewriters, only they end up typing "POOP" 37 million times no matter what configuration you put them in.

Of course, when they say "Democrats are trying to wreck the country on purpose" they mean "the MSM won't cover the race war they're trying to start", so that makes perfect sense, actually.

Doesn't it?

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