Saturday, July 14, 2012

Last Call

Erick Erickson and Rick Moran now give us the one two punch in Stupid Wingnut Denial, and knock themselves out.  First, Dipstick Dipstickson over at Red State decides that the people who want to see Mitt's tax returns aren't like the people who want to see President Obama's "real" birth certificate at all.  They are infinitely worse!

The Bainers will not take any answer that does not show Romney to be a liar or felon in the same way Birthers will take no answer other than one that shows Barack Obama is not an American citizen. In fact, pointing this out on twitter today I was barraged from both sides that Obama has still never shown his real birth certificate and Mitt Romney has still not shown his tax returns.

That, in fact, is what this is all about. It’s just another attempt to get Mitt Romney to release his tax returns. Guy Benson has a pretty exhaustive look at this nonsense.

The Bainers will become as insufferable as the Birthers. The only difference is that the Bainers’ insufferable stupidity is at the heart of the Obama campaign while the Romney campaign has worked hard to not be tied to Birthers.

If you can stop laughing for a while...okay, I'll give you a bit.

Calm down already.

Okay, yeah, the notion that demands to see Mitt Romney's tax returns (not released) and the demands to see President's birth certificate (released) are equivalent in any way is brutally hysterical.  One is something that presidential candidates in both parties have done for decades now, as well as politicians including Mitt Romney's own father, George.  The other is a cover for racism and denial so pervasive and complete that it's bordering on mental illness, and I don't use the term lightly.

But then Rick Moran over at PJ Tatler decides that the "Bainers" are now fact, and that the story proves liberals are even more ridiculous than the Birthers on the right.

One of the remaining questions about the Bainers is, will they prove to be as resilient as the Birthers? A year from now will they be insisting that President Romney should be indicted for filing false papers with the SEC? Will they be demanding that Romney “come clean” on his foreign holdings?

The nuts are always the most entertaining part of politics. The Bainers are proving to be no exception.

You're "nuts" if you do something Reagan, Bush Senior and Junior, Bob Dole, and John McCain all did, along with Carter, Dukakis, Mondale, Clinton, Gore, Kerry and Obama as well as George Romney.   Amazing.

And remember, these are are the same gorram people complaining that Barack Obama was the "least vetted" Presidential candidate in history, whom we "know virtually nothing about" still.  But Mitt's tax returns, something that even the "unknown cypher" Barack Obama released to the public and did again this year and every year prior for the last twelve years, Mitt says you can only see the last two years and that's all you need to see, gosh darnit.

Oh, and as for the claim that the Romney campaign doesn't associate with Birthers?  Two words.

Donald.  Trump.

The funny part is Erickson and Moran now firmly believe that the notion that calling for Mitt's tax returns will be treated by the voters as even worse than Birtherism, because they're simply used to having the wingers define all aspects of our news cycle.  They expect this to take root and that by repeating "Bainers" enough, it will simply become the conventional wisdom.  It's certainly what they've come to expect.

And I'm sure they have a raft of excuses and strwmen to burn when it turns out the voters think this "Bainers" nonsense is complete horseshit too.

Night, fellas.

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