Saturday, July 14, 2012

None Dare Call It Treason...

I'm trying to figure out what "leaving your race for State Senator in order to join an alternate government of the United States" is called if that's not treason, but I'm having a hell of a time finding any definition of the said practice apparently performed this week by Iowa Republican Randi Johnson that doesn't boil down to the T word there.

A Republican state Senate candidate in Iowa has decided to bow out of the race and become a U.S. senator of an alternative form of government.

In a letter released Friday, Randi Shannon informs supporters of her new position as “U.S. Senator in the Republic of the United States of America.” You see, according to Shannon, the U.S. government has been acting unlawfully as the “‘official government,’ which clearly it is not!”

The libertarian-leaning group she joined claims it “re-inhabited” the government on March 30, 2010. The group claims the “United States Corporation” unlawfully formed in 1871 without the American people’s consent. “Since 1871, the abuses of this corporation upon both the international community as well as the American people are inestimable and unconscionable,” the group’s website claims.

In her announcement letter, Shannon outlined her political plans. As someone who home schooled her own children, Shannon supports abolishing the Department of Education. She opposes unnecessary foreign wars. She believes life begins at conception. And she blames government abuse, invasive TSA screenings, “Obamacare,” and the 14th amendment on the corrupt “United States Corporation.” 

In other words, this woman is a few loop-de-loops short of an air show.   Yikes.  This is outright scary, actually.  She's basically arguing that the US government itself has been illegitimate since the end of the Civil War (which should be your first really big clue what the real agenda is here) and that these guys are now it.

Well good luck to ya.  And enjoy the knocks on the door by the actual government.


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