Monday, September 10, 2012

Ann Romney Does Him No Favors

GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney's wife Ann said that her husband has been unfairly 'demonized,' during a joint appearance on NBC's Meet the Press aired on Sunday.
Ann Romney said she took to the GOP convention stage to convey that her family has faced struggles even though they have been well off financially.
“Well, I think the thing that I want to communicate to people, and that it's so important that people understand, is that Mitt and I do recognize that we have not had a financial struggle in our lives. But I want people to believe in their hearts that we know what it is like to struggle. And our struggles have not been financial, but they've been with health and with difficulties in different things in life,” she said, in an interview aired Sunday.
 "But I want people to believe in their hearts that we know what it is like to struggle."  She says this after acknowledging that they have not.  Nobody's life runs smoothly all the time, and they are no exception.  However, she has never faced her challenges and wondered how they were going to afford food next week.  She never had to go through cancer as a single parent on $12 an hour, though I watched two brave women go through that, in freakishly similar circumstances.  

So yo, poor people, she's had a hard time of it, too.  I mean, she always had insurance, and a staff to help with the house and the kids, and a comfortable bed to sleep in.  She has never had to choose between a dollar box of mac and cheese or a single piece of fruit.  But somehow, she knows where we are coming from, and we should be gosh-darned happy to have Mitt deciding what is right for us, rather than representing us.  

If she had a clue she would be dangerous.  

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