Monday, September 10, 2012

One Lucky Kid

Swooped up by rushing water, Jeffrey was forced more than a quarter-mile through multiple storm sewer pipes, at times completely submerged, before finding enough breathing room to wait for rescuers, the Associated Press reports.
"It was dark, it was scary, it was nasty," Jeffrey says. "It was like somebody is putting you in a big whirlpool and spinning you around and getting your head knocked on the ground."
As emergency crews got to the scene, they started taking off sewer lids, yelling into the sewers waiting for a sign of Jeffrey.
"The water was moving so quickly it sucked him into the drain," said Doug Turner, a Parma Fire Department spokesman. "It sucked him in and pulled him probably 100 yards, full of water, where he couldn't take his breath."
The full story is pretty scary.  One second, everything is fine, the next he is in underground in a tube full of water.  It doesn't get much scarier than that, folks.  He is fine, and knows how lucky he is to be alive.

On a side note, in a land far, far away a bunch of horror writers were sitting at a table, brainstorming.  We were trying to think of things to meditate on that put you in that mental place.  I threw out being water in a pipe underground, waiting for someone to turn the tap and let you out.  We all successfully freaked ourselves out and had to move on to another topic. This kid lived that.  I can't say I would have been sane coming out of that.

Good for you, kid.

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