Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Apology Not Accepted

When you get called out by MSNBC's resident Village grande dame Andrea Mitchell of all people for lying in the last two weeks of the campaign, you know you've told something that not even she can spin in your favor.  GOP talking head Jim Talent found this out the fun way.

“He goes and does an apology tour,” the former senator continued. “And then last night he denies it was an apology tour.”

Excuse me, Senator,” Mitchell interrupted. “I have fact checked the so-called ‘apology tour’ and it just didn’t happen.”

“Yeah, he went to four different cities, said America had dictated,” Talent insisted, before pivoting to say that the president had “resisted sanctions against Iran.”

“I’ve been covering the Iran sanctions at the U.N. in the P5-plus-1,” Mitchell noted. “After that initial attempt… to reach out and give Iran a chance to try to have an engagement — after that initial attempt, there was nothing but a move at the United Nations by Secretary [Hillary] Clinton to try to bring all of the allies aboard. The allies were demanding, ‘Make an overture, then we’ll be with you.’ And they ended up with the toughest sanctions ever.”

Oops. It seems Mrs. Alan Greenspan actually has her limits on the lies she's willing to tolerate by the GOP.  Who knew such a thing was even possible?

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