Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Gaffe Control To Major Mitt

Take your press blackout pills and put your helmet on.  If Miitt doesn't have to answer questions for the last two weeks of the campaign, he can't screw it up, can he?

The Romney campaign is not committing to granting any network interviews in the final two weeks of the campaign.

Kevin Madden walked to the back of Romney’s plane Tuesday afternoon on the flight from Palm Beach to Las Vegas to talk about the debate. A television correspondent noted that President Barack Obama is sitting down with Brian Williams and Jay Leno this week and wondered if the Republican nominee will give an interview to a network.

“Look, one of the great things about the debates were we got a chance to talk directly to the American people about the issues that they care about. Over the next 14 days, Gov. Romney is looking forward to meeting with as many voters in these critical swing states and delivering them his closing argument about why he would be a better president. I don’t have anything for you on scheduling yet, but I’ll let you know as we update it.”

It may be the smartest tactical move the Romney squad has made in the campaign, frankly.  If he doesn't open his mouth, his silver foot can't be inserted into it.

But of course, the larger question is why Mitt's so afraid of that happening...and why the press is letting him get away with it.

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