Monday, September 9, 2013

Assad Uses The Shaggy Defense

As he tells PBS' Charlie Rose "It wasn't me."

The Syrian president, Bashar Assad, has said there is no evidence he is responsible for the deadly gas attacks the US government claims left 1,429 people dead, including 426 children.

In an exclusive interview secured by Charlie Rose of PBS, Assad said: “There has been no evidence that I used chemical weapons against my own people.”

Assad refused to confirm or deny that he had chemical weapons but said if he did, they were under “centralized control”.

The interview will air in its entirety on PBS on Monday night, as president Barack Obama is due to sit down with six television networks for recorded interviews and press his case for a targeted attack on Syria.

I'm sure his military didn't kill 100,000+ with conventional weapons of war, either.  Must have been some other dude named Assad.   Who happens to control Syria.  Let's just call the whole thing off, guys.  He says he didn't do it.

What?  Seems rather loony?  But Alan Grayson, Ron Paul, Vladimir Putin, and El Rushbo say we should believe the guy.  Must have been some other dude. 

And for pretty much everyone on that list of people there, the "other dude" is President Obama himself.  Assad's more trustworthy to them.

How does that work?  Stop asking so many questions.  Obama is evil, that's all you need to know.

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