Monday, September 9, 2013

Stand With Rand, Standing With Assad

Rand Paul has his list of demands to make sure the Assad regime is heard, or he'll filibuster any Senate legislation on Syria forever.  Or something.

Sen. Rand Paul, who's already said he opposes the limited U.S. military strikes in Syria being pushed by President Barack Obama, said Sunday he was still weighing his options for stalling a vote in the full Senate on the use of force resolution.

The Kentucky Republican said a filibuster - which he used earlier this year to demand more information from the Obama administration on the use of drones - could only delay a vote, but wouldn't "put off a vote forever."

Instead, he said, he'd demand that any vote taken by Congress be binding, meaning that the president would be barred from striking Syria without congressional approval.

"The president cannot, if we vote him down, decide to go to war anyway. That's the way I interpret the Constitution," Paul said on "Fox News Sunday."

So, no big deal, he just wants an end to the War Powers Act built into any Syria legislation.  Good luck with that.  But if he doesn't get it, well, he'll filibuster it for a day or two and more dudebro liberals will tell me how great Rand Paul would be as President.  It won't solve any of the problems in Syria or in America, but it'll be awesome, somehow.

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