Friday, August 15, 2008

You Forgot Poland

Seems that infamous Bush-Kerry debate point of "You forgot Poland!" has paid off in the long run now that we can stop pretending that Eastern European missile shield nonsense isn't there specifically because of our good friends, the Russians.
Poland and the United States have signed a preliminary deal to place part of a U.S. ballistic missile defense system in Poland, a plan that has drawn sharp objections from Russia.
Of course it would.
The United States has also agreed to help Poland modernize its military, which it requested as a condition of its support for housing the missile defense system.

"Our political and military cooperation moves to a different higher level." Radoslaw Sikorski, the Polish foreign minister, said, after the signing.

Thursday's agreement comes amid heightened tensions between the United States and Russia over Moscow's invasion of Georgia, a U.S. ally.

A highly placed source in the Russian Foreign Ministry told CNN that the agreement between Washington and Poland was clearly aimed at deterring Russia, not preventing rogue missile attacks from Iran. The latter has been cited as a reason for installing the defense system.
Given the history of the country, you really can't blame Poland for not wanting to being invaded again by Large Country With they let the US in without the whole invasion stigma and let us deal with em. We've done a bang-up job so far. Gee, I wonder how much money "modernizing Poland's military" is gonna cost us. Should Poland get invaded, we can always loan them Patrick Swayze. WOLVEREEEEEEEENS!

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