Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Serious Energy

Washington DC, the Land Of Ten Thousand Leaks, has offered up Obama's choice for Energy Secretary, and for once there's no doubt it's a home run. The candidate? Nobel prize winner and Lawrence Berkeley Labs director Dr. Steven Chu.
The Lawrence Berkeley Web site says Chu was an early advocate for finding scientific solutions to climate change and has guided the laboratory on a new mission to become the world leader in alternative and renewable energy research, particularly the development of carbon-neutral sources of energy.

That experience will be useful as the next energy secretary, as Obama wants to spend billions of dollars to promote alternative energy sources and create millions of green energy jobs.

A spokesman for the Lawrence Berkeley laboratory offered no comment on the prospect of Chu becoming the next energy secretary. Chu is traveling abroad in Asia and Europe and will be back at work on Monday, he said.

Chu is a scientist and advocate of alternative energy, not a politician. With his pretty much impeccable scientific credentials, we'd have a cabinet official who actually knew what the hell his department was regulating. The NY Times has a pretty good bio on Dr. Chu as well, they inform us that his former jobs bring a lot to the table:
Chairman of the physics department at Stanford, and head of the electronics research laboratory at Bell Labs. Since 2004, he has been director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, which has 4,000 employees and a budget of about $650 million. The lab is owned by the Energy Department and operated under contract by the University of California; Dr. Chu was chosen for the job by the university but approved by the Energy Department. He shifted the lab’s work more heavily into research into advanced biofuels, artificial photosynthesis and other solar energy research. He has been a vocal proponent of vigorous steps to control greenhouse gas emissions.
Yeah. This is the type of person we need to help spearhead the US effort for committed, serious climate change across the globe, not another Bush/Cheney oil company/nookular plant yes man like Sam Bodman and Spencer Abraham. Good for Obama. Very good.

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