Friday, March 6, 2009

Screw You, Rush

Just screw you.
On his radio show Friday, Rush Limbaugh suggested that Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) would be dead by the time health care reform legislation passes. "Before it's all over, it'll be called the Ted Kennedy memorial health care bill," the talk show host says. He says President Obama has moved on to health care because he can't solve the economic crisis.
From space, you can see two distinct man-made artifacts from orbit: The Great Wall Of China, and How Much Of A Ginormous Asshole Rush Limbaugh Is.

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Executive Director Brian Wolff released a statement in response:

"Rush Limbaugh's reprehensible remark that, ' before it's all over, it'll be called the Ted Kennedy Memorial Health Care bill' is truly outrageous.

"Leader Limbaugh minimizes the struggle of hardworking Americans without access to affordable health care and demonizes a patriotic Senator who has spent his life fighting so that every person has the opportunity to live the American dream.

"Leader Limbaugh crossed the line. National Republicans must stand up to their leader, Rush Limbaugh, and tell him that enough is enough."

The Democratic campaign arm has also launched a petition, asking Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele to denounce Rush Limbaugh "once and for all" in light of his latest comments.

Can you imagine what kind of hellfire would descend upon any...any...liberal figure who publicly suggested that a GOP senator who was ill would in fact die before passing a bill to help millions of Americans (putting aside the fact that your average GOP senator would in fact never vote for or author a piece of legislation that would actually help millions of Americans as a general rule)? It would become a firestorm of Biblical proportions. That person would be stripped of their job as demanded by the Village and the GOP.

But Rush? It's totally cool and perfectly acceptable to intimate that Ted Kennedy's going to die, and that the Democratic Party would in fact use it as a political tool to pass health care legislation. Good for Brian Wolf and the Democrats to come out swinging on this.

Screw you again, Rush. Ted Kennedy is a trillion times the human being you'll ever hope to be. I honestly hope Rush Limbaugh never has to go through not being able to go to the doctor because he doesn't have health insurance, or being terrified a hospital visit would bankrupt you. Been there. Kidney stones. I got lucky, I was back in school at the time, otherwise it would have been $20k I most certainly didn't have.

So yes, I hope this bill passes, right after Ted Kennedy authors legislation declaring Rush a Complete Douchebag.

[UPDATE] Remember kids, Conservative assholes say if you're homeless and don't have health care and you're living in a shelter but you have a pay as you go cell phone because you're in a shelter and you don't exactly have a land-line for job interviews or anything, you're not really poor, in fact you're just another lazy negro like the other record 31.8 million Americans on food stamps and you're a welfare king/queen that is everything wrong with America.

Also, any liberal dumb enough to enable you by volunteering at the shelter where you're at is probably just some stupid elitist trying to feel better about herself, you know, like Michelle Obama.


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