Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Put In Your Place

Ahh, the GOP, making friends and reaching out to voters. (via John Cole)
On Monday night, Pelosi told Charlie Rose “should go up the line of command” instead of publicly opining on strategy—prompting a swift, sneering reaction from the GOP committee.

Mocking the first female speaker as “General Pelosi,” an NRCC spokesman wrote, “If Nancy Pelosi’s failed economic policies are any indicator of the effect she may have on Afghanistan, taxpayers can only hope McCrystal is able to put her in her place.”

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), who is close to Pelosi, could barely contain her anger.

I think the place for a woman is at the top of the House of Representatives,” said Wasserman Schultz.

Game. Set. Match.

Also, commenter Sirkowski over at Balloon Juice brings up a really, really good point:

The military should put the government “in its place”???
Isn't this basically what the Teabagger crowd is praying for, for the military to come in and kick out the Not White Kenyan Usurper and save America from becoming a Benetton ad?

Apparently this lovely attitude extends to women, too. Memo to NRCC: get a new f'ckin spokesman.

1 comment:

  1. ... and save America from becoming a Benetton ad?


    thanks for the chuckle about a serious issue.

    just wondering - is benetton still in business ??
