Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Zandar's Thought Of the Day

Jonah "Liberal Fascism" Goldberg defending Glenn Beck in USA TODAY this morning is like Cobra Commander defending Skeletor in Cartoon Villainy Daily. In the end, America has a good laugh and moves on.

Now, before I proceed, I should disclose the fact that I like Beck personally and that his support for my book Liberal Fascism was a huge boon, helping to push it to No. 1 on The New York Times best-seller list. As a Fox News contributor, I have appeared regularly on his show. Whether that gives me more, or less, credibility when I say I cannot defend some of the things he says is for others to decide.

Still, much of the anti-Beck backlash (He's an extremist! He's paranoid! He's hate-filled!) from the left is hard to take seriously. First, this is a crowd that lets Michael Moore and Janeane Garofalo speak for them, and that celebrated the election of unfunny man Al Franken to the Senate. If you think it's racist to oppose Obama's health care reform efforts, it goes without saying that you'll think Beck is an extremist. This is what liberals always say about popular right-wingers, including Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan and William F. Buckley. For over 20 years liberals, including Presidents Clinton and Obama, have insisted that Rush Limbaugh is everything from an unpatriotic hatemonger to an enabler of domestic terrorism. It makes sense that they'd give Beck the same business.

What Goldberg glosses over is that fact that all of these guys really have made racist comments at one point or another.

Honestly, we've got Goldberg here defending Beck because he believes that know-nothing, paranoid anti-intellectualism is good for the conservative movement. Conservatism has been mutated into anti-Obamaism, plain and simple. Sure these jokers are for libertarian ideas now...didn't skip a beat in praising Bush growing the Federal government by trillions, starting wars, and wrecking the Constitution.

Government is only a problem if a Democrat is in charge.

[UPDATE 7:57 AM] Speaking of FOX News...
"The fact that our numbers are up 30 plus in the news arena on basic cable I'd like to think is a sign that we are just putting what we believe to be the facts out on the table," said Michael Clemente, Fox's senior vice president for news, in an interview on Tuesday. "In terms of the relationship, I think we are doing our job. And they [the White House] are doing their job."
Facts don't matter to a news outlet like FOX. What FOX believes are the facts matters.

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