Thursday, January 7, 2010

Last Call

Via Bob Cesca, it's Glennsanity just losing it again.
Today on his radio show, Glenn Beck wanted to discuss the census. “Apparently the census has come out,” he said. Beck’s co-host then chimed in, “Yeah and there’s a little confusion because there’s three boxes you can check if you’re a certain race. … I don’t know what the race is because there’s three different terms for them. Black, African-American, or Negro.” Instead of having any consideration to take issue with the term “Negro,” Beck launched into a tirade against “African-American”:
BECK: African-American is a bogus, PC, made-up term. I mean, that’s not a race. Your ancestry is from Africa and now you live in America. Ok so you were brought over — either your family was brought over through the slave trade or you were born here and your family emigrated here or whatever but that is not a race.
Oh really.

(Rant alert after jump.)

Look here, you pretentious prick.

I am African-American.  I refer to myself as such because my ancestors in fact came from Africa.  They were brought here against their will, enslaved, raped, beaten, humiliated and killed, and for a good 200 plus years they didn't even count as human.

After that, just because they could, America treated many of them like second-class citizens...because in several states they were.  That finally got fixed about the time your ignorant ass was bestowed upon this Earth in order to test guys like me.  So I take personal pride in calling myself as such to honor those who sacrificed before me to get me to the point where I even have the opportunity to improve myself as as African-American.

You know what an example of a bogus, made-up term is?  Glenn Beck's conscience.  You don't have one.

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