Friday, April 9, 2010

Shutdown Sequence, Part 2

I knew that Newt Gingrich would be making campaign commercials this year, but I didn't honestly think he'd be doing them for the Democrats.

Here’s my promise: … When we win control of the House and Senate this fall, Stage One of the end of Obamaism will be a new Republican Congress in January that simply refuses to fund any of the radical efforts. […]
Once upon a time, I used to be Speaker of the House and I actually understand the legislative process. And the truth is, under our Constitution, the Congress doesn’t have to pass the money. If EPA gets not budget, it can’t enforce cap-and-trade. […]
So Stage One of Obamaism being gone is to simply win this fall and not fund it for two years. Stage Two is…to ensure Obama joins Jimmy Carter in the tradition of one-party presidents (sic). And, that in that context, that we be prepared to commit that a Republican President and a Republican Congress in February and March of 2013 will repeal every radical bill passed by this machine.
You do that, Newt.  Refuse to fund a dime for the EPA, for Heath and Human Services, for anything else you don't like, and shut the government down for two years until you get a President that will sign that repeal legislation.

You do that Newt, putting millions out of work possibly in the middle of a recession.  You take federal funds away from cash-strapped states across the board.  You become the ultimate Party of No, just like you tried to get rid of Clinton.  That worked out well, didn't it?

At this point I'd like to see the Village ask every incumbent Republican and primary candidate out there "If the Republicans take power in 2011, will you shut down the federal government like Newt Gingrich wants?"  Go ahead.  Put them on the spot.

Folks, there's no "replace" in "repeal and replace".  The Republicans are bereft of ideas, bankrupt of solutions, and out of people willing to solve problems.  The core issues that affect Americans on a daily basis don't matter to these guys.  All they want to do, all they want to run on, is shut down the government and repeal everything the Obama administration has done.  Virtually all of it.  What's the solution to the problems the Dems were trying to address with legislation?  It doesn't matter...repeal!  Shutdown!  That will show them!

I'm thinking Newt hasn't thought this plan out very well, but then's Newt Gingrich.  Does he know he's putting the Republican leadership in an untenable situation? I don't think he cares, frankly.  It's scorched earth politics.

And that's what's in store for America should the Republicans get back in power.  Count on it.  The only platform plank they have is Obama Derangement Syndrome.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think that worked for him last time. And, correct me if I'm wrong, he's no longer any sort of elected official.

    More hot air from a blowhard.
