Friday, April 9, 2010

Well Howdy, Folks

Welcome Memeorandum, AOL News, and Crooks & Liars readers!  Bit of an honor to be linked by the big dogs in the last 24.  There's more where that came from, of course.

Kick the tires, have a look around, and as always, let me know what's on your mind.


  1. Come and have a look at what he does while he should be working. You can tell he's an Obama supporter, he wants to be paid while screwing around all day.

  2. Harsh, Z's blog isn't bad. He puts a lot of effort into it. Just needs to come more to the center and it would be great.

  3. Does being in the center mean you're midway between reasonable and batshit crazy?

  4. Aren't we all? No one is 100% reasonable all the time.

    Anyway no I'm reasonable, it just appears I'm far right because of how far left the blog is. When something completely outlandish and out of context is stated I correct it. By doing so I take on the appearance of a far right troll when in essence I'm just bringing things back center. I fully admit both sides are wrong on most of the issues.

  5. Other than one or two other folks, can I say that I was here first? In any case, that AOL article is really broadly sourced... I'm a little flabbergasted at the amount of links (glad you were one of them though)
