Thursday, June 17, 2010

Capitalizing On Mistakes, Part 2

Whenever I think Obama is in trouble for his response to the oil spill, the Republicans remind America what they would have done if they were still in charge.  If it isn't Rep. Michele Bachmann being as tone-deaf and cement-headed as possible defending BP in this oil spill disaster, it's Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour.

"If BP is the responsible party under the law, they’re to pay for everything. I do worry that this idea of making them make a huge escrow fund is going to make it less likely that they’ll pay for everything. They need their capital to drill wells. They need their capital to produce income. … But this escrow bothers me that it’s going to make them less able to pay us what they owe us. And that concerns me. … [I]t bothers me to talk about causing an escrow to be made, which will — which makes it less likely that they’ll make the income that they need to pay us."
To recap, the $20 billion up front makes it less likely that they'll pay us, so we should turn the money we're asking them to pay us down. Wait, what?  A multi-billion dollar company who made a $100 billion plus in just profits over the last decade is somebody you should feel sorry for?

You know, after screaming for weeks that Obama is doing nothing, everything you need to know about the Republicans on the Gulf Coast can be summed up by Barbour here.  Last week it was "The President's not doing enough!" Now it's "The escrow plan will hurt poor BP!"

Frak BP.  They made the mistake, they pay for it.  Please Republicans, keep making heartfelt pitches as to why America's chief goal right now should be helping BP.


  1. I wasn't buying gas from them before the spill to be honest, their prices are 3-5 cents higher a gallon than the competition around NKY. The exception is the BP near the Cincy airport, which is actually about the same price because all the airport gas stations are more expensive.

  2. still waitin' for some links to go with mah wafflez! i really want to see some evidence that you post on conservative blogs and point out the hypocrisy on them. unless (GASP!) you actually consider them the lesser of the two evils! but that couldn't be since you're such an out-of-the-box/off-the-ranch/no-hacky-party-loyaties contrarian! say it ain't so, wafflez!

    no links? nothing?


    thanks for playing. ass.

  3. Actually it's not become more enjoyable to watch you cry over it t-man. :-)

  4. i'm not crying. you're a joke. yes, you're refusing to prove me wrong to, uh, make a point! you really are hysterical.

  5. "i'm not crying"

    No...not at all. Going from post to post replying without so much as a rebut to what I've said, only attempting to demean someone that you only know through comments in a blog. Not QQing at all, my mistake

  6. and here you are replying scant minutes after i've posted. nutty world, isn't it?

  7. you're (not "your") kind of a dumb whiny bitch, aren't you? no real answers other than rote glibertarian bullshit and then gutless attempts to cast yourself as a "victim".

  8. sorry, i'm a closed-minded liberal and never click on links put up by (supposedly) libertarian trolls.

  9. i'm a closed-minded liberal

    At least we've gotten you past denial.

  10. yup. now take a good long look in the mirror, bucko. you are what you (claim to) hate.

  11. Have I ever said I hate liberals?

    Again, you fail at reading.
