Monday, June 21, 2010

Warmed Up Leftovers

USA Today lets Dow Corning CEO Andrew Liveris pull out the stale old Bush/Club For Growth ideas to bring back US manufacturing jobs:  tax breaks for new technology, tax cuts for corporations, and deregulation, deregulation, deregulation.
America needs an integrated and strategic approach that will incentivize manufacturers to create the jobs of the future. The patchwork of incentives launched to address the recession has not turbo-charged the private sector growth engine of the world's largest economy. Many more permanent private-sector jobs are needed quickly. We face deep-rooted economic and policy headwinds that discourage good private job formation. These can be addressed through an "advanced manufacturing plan," if the U.S. is ever to prevail in global competition. We are playing with our children's future because if America gives up on manufacturing, we are surrendering their future to others.

We can either have the future we choose, or settle for the future we allowed.
Right, because tax cuts and deregulation, free trade agreements, and tort reform (yes, he throws that one in too) has done wonders for our economy and saved so many jobs over the last two decades.

Tell you what, Andy.  Go down to Venice, Louisiana, smell the oil coming off the water and see the damage to the wetlands there, and tell me right now what we need is corporate tax cuts, less regulation, and to limit lawsuits.


1 comment:

  1. The Gulf is a terrible example to use. I'm sure you've done your homework and realize that BP and the regulators had a cozy...relationship. You can only have so much regulation and then there comes a point where the regulators need to be held accountable.
