Monday, June 21, 2010

And The Meek Shall Inherit...Nothing? Part 2

Things are getting worse for Kendrick Meek in Florida...big time.  Josh Marshall:
We have another poll showing Charlie Crist in a solid lead over both Democrat Kendrick Meek and Republican Marco Rubio. This one is sponsored by the Florida Chamber of Commerce and done by a GOP polling firm. And it shows Crist up by 11 over Rubio and by 28 over Meek. 
And it gets worse.

Clearly Crist is siphoning off Meek's support from Democratic voters, and Rubio is remaining rock stead at third of the vote.  You'd think Crist was the Dem and Meek was the independent.  Crist is certainly running like a Democrat right now and it's working.

Voters don't seem to be paying much attention to Crist's friend, former Florida GOP head Jim Greer.  Greer's in real trouble and it's hurting Rubio some too. The problem is they're not paying attention to Kendrick Meek either.  Crist is playing the anti-tea party backlash like a pro in Florida and it's all coming at the expense of Meek.

Will the Dems dare ask Meek to withdraw soon, especially if he gets under 10% in the polls?  The speed at which Meek is being thrown under the bus here is impressive, even for Florida politics.  But it looks like Dems are siding with Crist.


  1. The Republican in the Lieberman/Lamont race stayed on the ballot -- the GOP just did absolutely nothing to advance his candidacy. I think the Dems are trying a similar strategy here. I think Meek may stay on the ballot, but with no party support.

  2. We'll see how it plays out the closer we get to election day. Both sides will be very desperate for seats. Much akin to a pack of dogs on a 3 legged cat :p
