Monday, June 21, 2010

What Digby Said

On our old friend, Iowa GOP nutjob Steve King:
I'm hard on journalists, but sometimes a reporter writes something sublime and it deserves to be complimented.

This article appeared in the Denver Post about that that racist oddball Steve King coming to Denver for a 9-12 teabag rally after having been uninvited to two others. You just have to love the juxtoposition of the last two sentences:
King said he felt it was important to come to Colorado.
"I've been through all kinds of controversy, and I always have to ask myself, 'Did I say something that wasn't founded in truth?' No. 'Did I say something that hurt someone's feelings?' I don't think so."
King said Obama has misinformed the public about Arizona's law.
King said that under only one circumstance does he support amnesty for illegal immigrants: "Every time we give amnesty for an illegal alien, we deport a liberal."
Nancy Rumsfelt, who started the Loveland 9-12 group and organized the event, said the goal of the movement is to unite America the way it was immediately following the 2001 terrorist attacks.
Brilliant. Hats off to Bianca David of the Denver Post.
Yes, to unite America, to ignore liberals who said we were rushing to a pointless war, and then boom.  Sure, they want that zeitgeist again.

I'm curious however, does that also entail questioning the President being tantamount to treason like it was in in 2002 as well?

They're not even trying to disguise their disgust for those who don't agree with them anymore.  Now it's "deport liberals".

1 comment:

  1. "Every time we give amnesty for an illegal alien, we deport a liberal."

    Ya know if this were Biden referring to a Tea Party member you would be giggling "Hey good idea!"

    Sorry out of all the strange things this guy has said this was just lulzy and not to be taken seriously. The underlying message is "He will not support amnesty."

    Also you're being a tad hypocritical there, the same could be said for you...

    "They're not even trying to disguise their disgust for those who don't agree with them anymore."

    And I fear it will get worse the closer we get to election day.
