Thursday, November 18, 2010

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

And that reminds me:  to those of you who decided to vote for the Republicans to punish the Dems for not be progressive enough, particularly women who thought the Democrats weren't good enough on women's issues, LGBT voters who thought the Dems were failures on gay rights issues, and national security voters who think the Dems aren't serious on foreign relations: please keep the consequences of your votes in mind with Republicans killing the Paycheck Fairness Act with 41 no votes, planning to kill DADT's repeal in the Senate, and planning to delay the New START nuke treaty with Russia until next year, when they can kill it more easily.

And that's just this week. Keep that in mind heading into 2012.

Republicans don't give a pile of rat crap about any of that.  They just want to destroy Obama and stop him from signing anything into law over the next two years.

Anything.  And if the country burns, so be it.

Elections have consequences, they keep telling me.


  1. But hey, you know, punishing the dems is the only way we'll get our agenda through!

  2. Here's hoping this all will resurface when the next elections roll around. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go work twice as hard and get paid less.
