Thursday, June 16, 2011

Bourbon Distilleries Are Clear Targets Because They're So Flammable

Sen Mitch McConnell has apparently discovered that stupid terrorist mooks have teleporter transponders hidden in their brain stems that could allow Al Qaeda to send in millions of troops to instantly kill everyone in the state of Kentucky.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell called on the Obama administration Tuesday to send two Iraqi nationals arrested recently in Bowling Green to the detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.
The two were charged with helping to plot attacks on U.S. troops.

"Sending them to Gitmo is the only way we can be certain there won't be retaliatory attacks in Kentucky," McConnell said on the Senate floor Tuesday.

"Sending them to Gitmo is the only way we can prevent Kentuckians from having to cover the cost and having to deal with the disturbances and disruptions that would come with a civilian trial. And sending them to Gitmo is the best way to ensure that they get what they deserve. So today I'm calling on the administration to change course — and get these men out of Kentucky."

Otherwise, Gorilla Grodd might take over Fort Knox or something.

Look folks, when Mitch McConnell says by sneding these two to Gitmo there will be the only way Kentucky can be certain not to be attacked, he's lying.  There is no certainly when it comes to terrorism, only acceptable risk.  Once you accept that truth, then there's no reason these guys can't be tried.  Pretending otherwise is foolish and dangerously stupid.  Throwing away due process out of fear is shameful.

Then again, this is Mitch McConnell we're taking about here.  And Republicans want you stupid, scared, and compliant for a reason.

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