Thursday, June 16, 2011

Canuckleheads In Vancouver

Yeah, it's heartbreaking what happened to the Vancouver Canucks in Game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals last night but...riots, guys?  Really?

The Boston Bruins won their first Stanley Cup in 39 years, defeating the Vancouver Canucks 4-0 Wednesday night in the seventh and deciding game of the National Hockey League's annual championship.

The loss didn't go over well with hundreds of mostly young Canuck fans, who took to the streets and set several overturned vehicles afire a few blocks from Rogers Arena where the game was played.
Some fans stopped to pose in front of the flames. Others danced on top of another overturned vehicle. A dull cloud of gray smoke choked some areas of downtown.

Aerial footage showed Vancouver police wading into the unruly crowd that continually taunted and threw things at the officers. Members of the crowd leaped over one street fire, and officers wrestled several fans to the ground. 

Yeah, there were some terrible calls and some devastating injuries for the Canucks...but it's not like Game 7 was close, guys.   It was over by the second period.

Actually I don't know how the hell the Canucks forced 7 games getting outscored in the two 10-0 during the series.  No excuse to blow up downtown Vancouver though.

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