Saturday, December 17, 2011

At Last... My Heart Breaks

Nobody lives forever.  We know this, and yet we're surprised by grief when the inevitable comes to pass.

RIVERSIDE, Calif. – "At Last" and "Tell Mama" blues singer Etta James, whose health has been fading in recent years, is now terminally ill, and her live-in doctor is asking for prayers.

Dr. Elaine James, who isn't related to the 73-year-old entertainer, tells the Riverside Press-Enterprise ( that the singer's chronic leukemia was declared incurable two weeks ago.

The doctor has cared for Etta James at the singer's Riverside, Calif., area home since March 2010.

Elaine James says she's spreading word of the singer's ailments so people will pray for her. She says fans know Etta James has been sick "but not how sick."

Prayers indeed.  A woman who brought us much joy (and not just that one song!) will be leaving us soon.  I pray for her, and for those who are close to her. 

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