Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sheepish Chrome Extension Gives Insight To Tracking

Initially, Sheepish doesn't seem like much, but once you start moving around to new websites and seeing how many different places are tracking your every click, it might be a bit of a surprise. You can set Sheepish to block the tracking once your list gets populated or just let the ads continue to do their thing. Not everything that tracks you is always bad, sometimes its as simple as Google Analytics, but if you want a more covert and private browsing experience, Sheepish is worth checking out.

It's surprising to see how often your movements are tracked, including data you wouldn't think about such as where you came from, go to next, how long you spend on a page, etc. This is a good way for us to understand how we're being tracked as well as put a stop to it if we wish. You can click here for screenshots and step by step directions.

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